• Unisex Fit For Everyone

Be Intentional

The Delta Collection is inspired by the Mississippi Delta Region, an area deeply rooted in rich African-American culture and history. As you ride through the country roads, under the pure blue skies, you’ll see endless green fields of harvest from various crops birthed from seeds intentionally placed into the rich burgundy soil during planting season.

The winds sing tunes inspired by the Blues, a genre with origins in the expressions of the African-American struggle and the inspirational stories of the will to be intentional, no matter what.

The Delta, as it is referred to is a reminder that everything under the vast blue sky has a purpose. What we do to pursue that purpose and grow requires dedication and intention—No Matter What. You’ve got a dream; a business idea; a passion you want to pursue; change you want to see manifest: intentionally go after it and pursuit it. What are you intentional about?